Thursday, 10 July 2014

Seven Steps to Effective Prayer

Seven Steps to Effective 


When you choose to adopt prayer as a personal way of communicating and connecting to the gods, (or your higher self/spirit) the first question most people ask is; how do I begin? This isn’t exactly the easiest of questions to answer, as you are dealing with an individualised vision of the Divine and a belief system that is different from person to person.

Nonetheless, many Witches/Wiccans/Pagans choose to follow some kind of generic outline to creating a prayer. Here is a very basic guideline to effective prayers in seven steps.

1) MEDITATE ON YOUR FAITH AND FIND WAYS TO SHARPEN IT; WITHOUT FAITH PRAYERS ARE IN FACE USELESS. – First thing to do is to ask yourself what do I believe? How strong is that belief? Belief and Will sort of go hand in hand in magical workings, and if you lack one or the other, the results will fall flat. Faith is very much like a muscle, it requires exercise to get stronger.

2) CONSIDER THE PURPOSE OF YOUR PRAYER, IN DETAIL. – By clarifying your purpose, you will begin to develop a multidimensional pattern for your wishes, into which you pour your power and magic into it. Purpose also helps to drive your will.

3) ADJUST THE WORDS OF YOUR PRAYER TO MIRROR YOUR PURPOSE, SO THAT IT HAS PERSONAL MEANING. – Remember you are the co-creator of your present and your fate. A Witch doesn’t see the gods as a source to blame off of lives ills on. Every mundane effort made open doorways though which the Universe and the gods to begin to answer your prayers.

4) MAKE DAILY AND PURPOSEFUL EFFORTS TO HELP THAT PRAYER MANIFEST. – After all, the Gods help those who help themselves.

5) MAKE PRAYER A PART OF YOUR DAILY LIFE, LIKE A SPIRITUAL VITAMIN, REPEATING ANY FOR WHICH YOU THINK YOU NEED. – As with any spiritual practice, the more you pray, the more effective your prayers become. Repeating a prayer doesn’t mean you have a lack of faith, it simply reiterates the sincerity and supportive energies that you are sending out into the Universe.

6) TRUST YOURSELF AND THE DIVINE, AND KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN FOR POSSIBLE ANSWERS. – This step is possibly the hardest of them all, and it is the one that many have trouble with. Trust isn’t something that is easy to have in this day and ages, especially the blind trust that is need for prayer. Many find that trusting themselves is also a difficult task.

7) WHEN A PRAYER IS ANSWERED, REJOICE AND BE THANKFUL!! – If you have asked for help or intervention from the gods, it is only polite and good manners to say thank you. . As a race, humans are quick to blame the gods when life gets hard or goes bad. But when the good things happen or prayers are actually answered, we as a race are woefully lacking in thanks to the gods.

The Rainbow Witch 03-06-2012

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