Saturday, 26 July 2014

Lammas Activities

Lammas is coming up in just 6 days. in the days coming up to Lughnasadh/Lammas we need to gather together all the things we may need to celebrate the Sabbat. In this post I am going to give you some ideas on what activities you can do to celebrate.

~ Group or Family Activities ~

This time of year is the time to throw away useless thoughts and habits, to make way for some new ideas that can bring you a renewed strength. Reflecting on these topics alone or around a Lughnasadh fire is a great way to bring them into your life.

 Lughnasadh is one of the Celtic Fire festivals. Having a feast around a bonfire is a great way to celebrate the first harvest.

 Making Corn Dollies is a fun activity that can be done with your witchlings. Your corn dolly is a physical representation of the harvest. As you work on creating her, think on all the things you wish to harvest this year. You can even giver her a name, this can be the name of a goddess connected to Lammas or a name that is personal to you. She is going to be with you until the Spring when you plant her with the coming year's crops.

 Another activity you can do with your witchlings is to make and bake bread. Lammas is a festival of grain, so baking bread (you can find lots of recipes online) is a great way to honour and celebrate the harvest of the grains you use for the flour. Once you have baked your sacred loaf, give a portion back to the earth, as thanks for the harvest she gave.

 As a family or as a coven you can decorate your personal or group altars with grains such as wheat, oats, rice, barley.

~Solitary Activities ~

 Something to do while you're on your own, or as a solitary is to do a visualisation where you focus on projects you would like to be completing.

 Collect herbs, flowers, grains, seeds and dry them out for your spell working for the upcoming year. You can also make oils for healing and cooking from the fresh crops that you gather.

 Write your own prayers for the harvest and prayers for the rest of the harvest season.

 If it rains on or around Lammas, collect the water and use it in your spell work, your bathing (if clean), for your plants or store in bottles for future use.

~)O(~ Rainbow Love, Light and Blessings ~)O(~

Image: unknown, but found on flickr

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