When you're preparing for a job interview, and you want a little of mother nature's help, crystals are one way to go. An interview is about being confident, and communicating well while remaining calm. It is a bamboozling time, and you can get out of sorts easily when you are trying to get prepared.
Citrine is the one of the best abundance crystals out there, and abundance isn't just about money, it is abundance in all areas. Aventurine is another of the abundance crystals, but it also is a stone of luck.
For a confidence boost Carnelian and Rhodonite are among the best. They boost the Root chakra and work with boosting your natural confidence. You can also use the affirmation "I am strong and I believe in myself".
I think our nerves can get the better of us at times and our tongues can get all tied in knots, crystals like Blue Lace Agate and Aquamarine stimulate the throat chakra and aid with communication.
Holding Amethyst will help you calm your overactive nerves because lets face it, who isn't nervous about job interviews. And, last but by no means least, good luck...
We all feel like we need to have a little extra luck on our side when it comes to interviews and job related things. Which is fine, we can all use a little luck now an then. We know (as I mentioned before) Aventurine is a good stone for attracting luck, but so is Tiger's Eye, Jade and Sunstone.
~)O(~ Rainbow Love, Light and Blessings ~)O(@
Written/Image by The Rainbow Witch 2014